Total Juicing by Elaine LaLanne
$21.00 $24.00

Across America, millions of people are discovering juicing as an easy, inexpensive, and delicious way to enjoy tremendous health and nutritional benefits.
Today's new juice extractors have opened up an exciting avenue to taking control over your own health and well-being. Elaine and Jack LaLanne, who have been juicing for thirty years, discovered that fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and the fiber-rich pulp that the juicer yields, have excellent benefits when used in combination with a healthful diet.
Now you can learn how to control weight and lower blood pressure, address such conditions as psoriasis, stomach ulcers, arthritis, anemia, and gout, and even help prevent cancer- all in your own kitchen.
Total Juicing provides up-to-date information and more than 125 recipes for great juice combinations and for fruit and vegetable pulp. You'll find:
An A-to-Z guide to juicing directions, vitamin and mineral content of fruits and vegetables, and health benefits of specific foods
A weight-loss program that works-with fresh juices The dos and don'ts of making and storing juice
Baby-food recipes from the juicer
Terrific original recipes for breakfast drinks, lunchtime refershers, dinner beverages, flavorful desserts and bartender's tips as well
Great recipe ideas for fiber-rich pulp
240 Pages